Friday, March 19, 2021

Before you read...


DISCLAIMER!! Before you even begin to read this… know that some, or all of you, will be upset because of my opinion. We are all entitled to one, whether we agree or not. This is your opportunity to click the little disconnect button before we even begin, because I intend to vent.

A year ago this week normal died. We were told it would only be weeks, which then turned into months and now for over a year we have lived as if in a private prison. I know that sounds harsh to some, but really, think about it. We have been commanded to accept rules and regulations that have not proven to protect us. People have lost jobs, businesses are closed, schools are on-line and failing our children, those who need people (like all of us) are suffering from issues that could be cured with a family gathering or barbecue. Short of locking ourselves up in our homes and throwing away the key, according to the powers-that-be, we are not safe no matter what we do.

While I am not blaming anyone in particular for this madness, I do believe many have gone off the deep end. It seems to have become a power issue not a health issue. And if there were one truth out there, I might follow it, but the truth changes daily depending on who you listen to or what you read. I used to believe truth was absolute, but in this day and age, there are so many versions of it that I can’t decide which guru I want to follow.

There are those who have made science their god. And while I have no problem with science, in fact I love science, like everything on this earth it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Science “theories” change daily. That which we once considered true, has now been disproven. The earth is not flat, nor is it the center of the universe. Theories come and go on a daily basis. Proposed “theories” are to be tested to be proven true or discarded if not. Today we just accept the theory as truth without the testing. So, perhaps that which be believe now will also fall out of favor in the future.

Will the day come when it will be said that “we over reacted” to a little protein molecule that has invaded our lives? I am pretty sure it will. In five years – or ten, we will wonder what all the hub-bub was about. We will look back and see that it was never a pandemic, it was people and politics that caused the problem. Most people, given half a chance will do the right thing. They will stay home when they are sick, they will wash their hands, they might even wear a mask.

Science will not save us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by a creator that has made a body that has cells that can build, fix, fight off, repair and grow our bodies. Unfortunately these bodies were not meant to last forever. They wear out, they get sick, they succumb to death. I suspect no one wants to die but there is no other way out of this world. Yes, we have overcome things such as smallpox, polio and childhood diseases with vaccines. But those medications came after many years of testing. The average vaccine is a “work in progress” for ten to twenty years before it is released, and it still comes with side-effects for some. Having lived with someone who survived the science of chemotherapy, the after effects are long lasting and do much more than destroy cancer.

I struggle with this whole thing. Not so much with Covid, but with society’s reaction to it. Rather than becoming united against a front, we have been quite literally torn apart. Rather than uplifting one another, we tear each other down. We put people in boxes, we give them names, races, genders, economic status… all to separate us. Life is short! Why spend it angry, upset, flailing at windmills. I don’t care about your “box”, I do however have expectations. I expect people to respect one another, I expect them to help and support each other, I expect them to work together. I expect them to act and react with common sense. That can’t be that hard, can it?

Just Writin’ on the River Road