Friday, May 21, 2021

 So, it has been brought to my attention that we need a new vaccine. But then I don’t know that we can vaccinate against stupidity. Those who have already been inoculated with power, authority and wealth seem to have all the answers for the rest of us poor morons who can hardly put one foot in front of the other. We just shuffle through life waiting on baited breath for the next mandate from those who know better concerning just about everything.

I have a solution for our government. Every person who runs for office must spend a year “down on the farm” before taking office. They must wade knee deep in crap, clean barns, deliver calves, cut hay and “man” handle bales, butcher chickens and clean the coop, hoe a garden and all of those very necessary things that we morons do so they can eat! To those who believe we don’t need farms and ranches because we have grocery stores; yup, you need a year on the farm. To those who think the recent pipeline hack would have been no problem if we all had electric cars, try toting your food from the farm to the store in an electric truck! I hope you invest deeply in extension cord stock before this happens. And just where do they think this electricity comes from that powers their clean car?? I am guessing lightening or something equally accessible. Or just maybe it comes from nuclear power plants, or God forbid, coal powered plants. And now, the powers that rule Oregon are trying to make it a “meat free” state. You can only eat something that dies naturally. And we all want steak from a sick or long dead steer. It is no wonder that most of eastern Oregon voted to become a part of Idaho. Or consider Colorado that will not allow artificial insemination of cows or pregnancy checking because it is considered bestiality. Should we neuter our pets? Is that infringing on their rights? Is it better to let them raze the countryside, starving and barely existing as they keep on multiplying? Somewhere there needs to be a line in the sand when it comes to ignorance.

For those of you that are vegetarians, I can make a pretty good argument that plants also “feel”. They sense danger, they fight off insects and disease that can damage them, and it has been proven that they communicate with each other. They are intelligent enough to know they can’t grow through a rock, so they grow around it. Rhodes Scholars, they aren’t… but still. Now, I have no problem with your choice in food, until you insist that I adhere to your diet. And have you ever checked into exactly what ingredients make up your “meatless” burgers? You might want to do that.

Stupid is not a new thing, but it does seem to be rising to the surface now more than ever. At one point in my “careers”, I fed cows in a feed lot. They actually considered feeding plastic chips to the cows for filler. I suspect they intended to recycle it through the next cow at some point. Lots of food value in plastic. Probably a little toxic too. And since it is nearly indestructible, it would have been cheap feed. Fortunately, I don’t think this ever made it to the actual cow. But I could be wrong.

Oh, and one more thing. All elected officials would have to live on minimum wage, learn how to budget or do without, and have no line of credit anywhere. After a year, they may understand what a budget is and how to live with in it. And I suggest they use the “new math” to figure it out. They might gain some practical skills like fixing the plumbing, repairing their clunker car, patching their pants or putting a good day’s work. On a farm or ranch, the day is twenty-four hours long.

I am not picking on any political “party”, but I can not for the life of me understand how we, the people, can elect STUPID over and over. Maybe we truly are little morons that shuffle to work each day and are ever so grateful for all the government does for us. This last little foray into governmental control has proven just how malleable we are. I have heard it said if people hear something over and over for three months, it is pretty much stuck in their brain and no amount of facts or truth can change it. We are living the Stockholm Syndrome on a steroids. Turn off your television and think for yourself rather than being told what to think! I know it is a challenge… but give it a try. Common sense goes a long way.

So what’s for dinner tonight? No beef, chicken or pork, no salads or other veggies, no eggs, no bread, pasta or rice. No cereal or milk. It's a great diet, if it would only sustain us.

Just Writin’ on the River Road