Friday, September 28, 2018

Greetings from Idaho

Blog - a website containing a writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, and opinions. Also having images and links to other sites.

My trees in bloom
Oh, where do I go from here? I have experiences, as well as definite opinions, and I think I am fairly observant, but how do you tie that all together in a one spot. I suspect it is a little like eating an elephant . . . one bite at a time!

For those of you who have followed my column in the newspaper, I think this blog will be more of the same in some ways. I love my community, Idaho in general, and would like the rest of the world to see what I see . . . observation. Just how much do you see when you pass through an area? What do you really know about a place when you live there? How much do you miss because you aren’t looking? There is the obvious . . . and then there is the other stuff.

Having entered the “senior discount” phase several years ago, I do have experience. Experience when it comes to the things I love, experience with the things I never intend to try again, and just experience with living. We all can identify with life in general.

And then there are opinions. I can have an opinion on just about everything. That doesn’t mean I am wise, or educated, or right . . . it just means that I have “a thought” on any number of subjects. And sometimes what I think I know, isn’t really anything I know at all. But we are all entitled to our opinion, be it right or wrong.

My name is Miss June . . . an endearing term that I am coming to appreciate. You will come to know me over time if you follow this blog. Some of it you may like, some not, but I guarantee you will be entertained, perhaps enlightened, learn something, expand your horizons, and hopefully see things in a different light.

My husband of 49 years and I reside on the banks of the Snake River in southern Idaho near a small town called Glenns Ferry. Prior to retiring, we moved over 35 times and resided in six states in the course of following my husband’s career. Once we retired, I went to work. You will hear more about my ventures in upcoming postings. There are many avenues I can venture down in this blog and I will probably hit many of them eventually. To name a few: my community, my businesses, my faith and ministry, my creative and crafty side, reading and writing, family, animals, gardening, theater . . . basically my list is endless.

All of this is a grand experiment for me. I love to write, to create pictures with words. I think in pictures, I read in pictures. So if a book doesn’t create a picture in my mind, it will lose me quickly. I hope, therefore, to create pictures for you to muse over, contemplate, relate to, or find fun and joy in the thoughts and stories.

And then we come to the images and links to other sites part of a blog definition. Please understand that you are talking to the computer illiterate here. As long as this little machine does what I want, when I want, we do very well. When it is smarter than I am, which is often, it is lucky it doesn’t get a knife through its little heart. I have “helpers” on speed dial! So bear with me as I “learn” the stuff I need to make this work. I am pretty sure it is going to involve a lot more than just words on a page.

As I said previously, I wrote a column for the Glenns Ferry Times and Seasons for over two years. Unfortunately, our little paper is no more, but it was fun while it lasted. For those of you interested in back issue articles of “Did You Know”, you can check it out at the Chamber's website.

I am off and running...breaking up cat fights, cleaning up the barrage of gnats that can somehow get through the window screens, making the house presentable for weekend guests.

Just writin’ on the river road!


  1. I love the picture your words create. Can't wait to follow your many adventures.

  2. If I didn't already know you, getting to know you here would be an adventure like some of us remember from before the digital age when we had pen pals in far-away places. In any case, you still find ways to surprise and entertain me with your unique view of your world and of the world we all share!
