Friday, February 12, 2021

What did you get for Valentine's Day?


Ah, Valentine’s Day! The day we show our loved ones how much we care about them. How do we do that? Candy, flowers, a special dinner, a night out? Those are all wonderful ways to express our appreciation. What about the rest of the year? Just asking. Shouldn’t there be a little Valentine’s Day each and every day of the year?

I received a Valentine this week. For all intents and purposes, it appeared to be a beautifully wrapped empty box. No candy, no sweet nothings, just an empty box. I was more than a little puzzled until I read the attached note.

Did you look in the box and find it empty?

Was nothing for you there?

Look again. You must have missed it.

For within I placed my prayer.

Little birds called at the window,

The sun peeked in there too.

As I told the Lord I loved Him,

I also spoke of you.

Sometimes when I pray for you

A tear will cross my cheek,

So I pray for peace that passes understanding

To be with you this week.

Other times there is a special joy

That with the Lord I share.

He listens to all I have to say

Whether it’s pleasure or despair.

Then I leave my little quiet place

And begin to start the day,

I’m so thankful for his watchful hand

Guarding me at work and play.

And as surely as He’s here with me,

He’s there with you as well,

Cause I asked the Lord to bless you

Just at the morning bell.

So when you look inside again,

Please see this box not bare.

And count it as a priceless gift

Cause I filled it up with prayer.

                        LuAnn Hudspeth                                                                                                                                     (Used with permission of the author.)


As I read this, it touched my heart. What more could I ever want or desire than someone who cares enough to bring my name before the Lord. She took the time to pray for me! And I have been told that is how we spell love . . . T I M E. Flowers will die, candy disappears, dinners will be eaten . . . but the time we spend with someone will create lovely memories to last a lifetime. So this Valentine’s Day treat your loved one to something special, but make sure you have also given them your time.

And if you are ever so lucky as to receive an empty box wrapped with beautiful ribbon, know that you have received a priceless gift . . . one of love and thought and prayer.

Just Writin’ on the River Road

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