Monday, April 15, 2019

Mt McKinley and beyond

Image result for curry Hotel alaska 1939
Curry Hotel
Friday, June 23, 11PM.  Here we are at Curry Hotel.  M and I in a nice double room.  Got up this morning at Anchorage about 8 o'clock.  They are remodeling the hotel and the men began pounding about then.  There was a trip into Matanuska Valley this morning but M and I decided we would see enough of that country on the train trip to Curry so we saved our money.  I had a light breakfast  - 25 cents - toast and milk.  Then M and I walked around Anchorage and bought some picture post cards.  The hotel took our baggage, now all decorated with Anchorage stickers, down to the station.  I check my big bag through to McKinley Park and kept the other with me.  M checked both her bags to Curry.  We left at 2 PM for Curry.  This time we went through flatter country though mostly covered with small trees and lakes.  At Matanuska, where we picked up the morning trippers, we saw some of the farming country.  Got to Curry about 7.  I took care of my bag and the coats while M went to see about our room.  No trouble at all.  They had our reservation and things were ready for us.  We came up and cleaned up put on my chiffon blouse.  Then we went to dinner - $1.50.  M and I were in the second sitting at 8 o'clock, had fruit cocktail, asparagus, ripe olives, chicken and dressing, potatoes, sting beans, three large biscuits with strawberry jam, tea, and all the ice cream and cake we wanted.  I won't eat again until dinner tomorrow at McKinley.  After dinner, we walked over the swinging bridge over the river back of the hotel.  I hiked way up the mountain, lovely view of the hotel and surrounding country.  The hotel here is a combination railroad depot and hotel.  The train runs right up to the front door.  Mosquitoes are bad, we kept our hankies fluttering to avoid them.  Had a lot of fun and laughs talking in the lunge with other travelers and telling tall stories about work.  The to bed about 11. Tried a time exposure of M and me reflected in the mirror.  Nice room - dresser, two beds, hot and cold water, and a heater you can turn on and off and it really works.  It is now 11:30 and still light enough for me to write without artificial light.  Out our window we see green rolling hills and can hear the river murmuring by.  One some of the hills near by are patches of snow but it is warm and balmy.  Sky was still overcast today and kept us from seeing Mt. McKinley.  Our train leaves about 7:30 tomorrow so must go to bed.

Saturday, June 24.  We were called at 6 am.  M and I got up and dressed.  I went down first and over the swinging bridge again to take pictures.  Got our bags together and were on our way at 7:30.  We climbed again through a canyon crossing and re-crossing streams and rivers.

Image result for alaska sled dogs 1939 Should have seen Mt. McKinley but it is way too cloudy.  Just after we reached the entrance to the park we came into nice sunshine.  We arrived at the hotel about 12.  M came in to see about our room while I looked after the baggage.  They brought our things up on a truck.  There was no trouble about the hotel, our reservations were in.  We have a nice room - 206.  This is a new hotel and everything looks clean and unused.  We have twin beds, a dresser, closet, hot and cold running water, heater, chair table, lamp and window looking out on the mountains.  After we got settled in our room, M and I hiked about 2 miles to the ranger station where they keep the Alaskan huskies they use in the winter to pull the sleds. A ranger took a party of us around to see the sleds and dogs.  M and I took pictures.  We walked back about 4 o'clock with Mr. Shedd and some of his party.  The ranger was very nice.  When we came back, M and I arranged for the trip into the park tomorrow - $25 - Ouch!  Expect to see Karabo (sic) and grizzlies.  We will be gone all day - start at 8:30.  Then we got dressed and had dinner at 6 o'clock.  Wasn't worth $2 - fruit cocktail, olives, tomato soup, pork and dressing, peas, potatoes, three buns, jelly, tea, stale cake and half a pear.  Didn't fill you up.  After dinner, we watched from the lobby while it rained while the sun shone.  Saw the moon for the first time since we left home - white one.  At 8:30 there was a lecture by one of the rangers.  He showed colored slides of the park scenes, flowers and wild life - very good.  Now at 11 o'clock to bed.  I put some color film in my camera.  If it is bright enough will take some color pictures tomorrow.  We are all set for our tip into the park.  Eleven o'clock and still bright daylight.

The adventure continues . . .

Just Writin' on the River Road

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