Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Alaska at its best!

Pauline and Margret are getting their days and nights confused.  Seems they stay up all night for  "forever daylight" activities.

Sunday, June 25.  Got up about 7.  The hotel sent a boy around knocking at the doors and calling everyone.  We dressed and went down stairs and found our places in the bus that was to take us into the park.  We left at 8:30.  M and I sat in the front seats so we could get out quick to take pictures.  We went 66 miles into the park and 66 miles back.  A ranger went along to explain things.  We were in the first bus. Road was bumpy but pretty good and at times went right along precipices.  Thrilling!  Image result for Mt. McKinley 1939Lovely scenery, high mountains surrounding a flat valley through which streams ran.  Mt. McKinley was covered with clouds so only saw its base.  At camp Cibern (sic) we had lunch and did it taste good - vegetable salad, thick vegetable soup, beans, potatoes, beef, peas, homemade bread, butter, and canned pineapple for dessert.  After dinner stayed around for a while to see if Mt. McKinley would come in sight - it never did really.  I took pictures of a friendly little squirrel!  Started home about 3 - got into a rain and hale (sic) storm on the way back to the hotel.  Saw a grizzly on the way, he was playing and having a great time - a huge thing.  The bus stopped and we watched him - saw mountain sheep, carabu (sic) - got a good picture of them.  A marmot, eagles and squirrels.  Stopped on the way back to see the dogs again.  Got to hotel about 6:15.  M and I didn't go in to dinner - ate a candy bar instead.  We came to our room and played cards until almost 8, then went to the leisure room to see motion pictures of the second ascension of Mt. McKinley.  The superintendent ranger of the camp showed them.  Very interesting.  It is now 10 o'clock and M and I are going to bed.  Tomorrow we go on to Fairbanks.

Fairbanks' early hotel no longer stands, but history remains
Pioneer Hotel no longer exists.
Monday, June 26.  Got up about 7:30.  Walked over to the post office.  Got some pictures and some crackers to eat and a can of tomato juice.  Went back to the hotel ate our crackers and juice and then took a nap.  At 12 the hotel boy took our luggage to the bus which took it to the station.  Left at 1:30 for Fairbanks.  Gentle rolling country, green with many flowers.  Arrived at 6:00, took a cab (50cents) to Pioneer Hotel.  Our reservation was ready, room 174.  Has a private bath, $13 a piece a night but it is nice to have a bath.  Went right out to get dinner.  Did it taste good!  Then walked around town.  Went with Mr. Shedd to see the daylight night baseball game - 10 o'clock and still daylight.  Then came home and took a bath.  M fell on the street and skinned her knee.  We do Fairbanks tomorrow so went to bed.

Tuesday, June 27.  Got up at 8:30, dressed and then arranged for a trip out to the dragline.  Took a walk around town then went in a taxi with an elderly couple to see the sights.  Went to the University of Alaska, to the museum - saw stuffed animals - moose, albino seals, birds.  Then on to the dragline where they are doing hydraulic mining.  Got back about 2 and had lunch.  After lunch, M and I came back to the hotel and did some washing and then napped while M did hers.  About 6 we went out for dinner, then wen to the camera shop where I had the film taken out of my camera - it had gotten stuck.  M and I then went to a show.  Saw Errol Flynn in "Four is a Crowd".  Good.  Came back to the hotel about 10 and got some good pictures of the sunset.  Met Mr. and Mrs. Smith from Oregon in front of the hotel.  While we were talking, M called my attention to red haired boy standing there.  Soon he stepped up to Mr. Smith and asked if he knew P. Saylor.  I knew then that it was Paul.  He has been hunting us all day.  Said his mother would come in at 6 tomorrow to see us.  He was catching the bus back to his home about 11 o'clock  It is now 12:30 and still daylight.  It never gets dark anymore.  Picked up a fossil bone for Dad at the mine.  They dig them out of the clay banks.

Just Writin' on the River Road

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