Monday, April 1, 2019

Peirls of Pauline

The continuing adventures of young Pauline and Margret as they enjoy their excursion to Alaska. It would appear that Pauline took many pictures during her adventure in Alaska.  I have tried to remain true to what she might have photographed during her trip.

June 15, Sunday, 9:15 AM.  Had a grand nights sleep, beds are very comfortable.  Woke up this morning about 7 - just in time to feel the ship begin to roll.  We were entering open sea for ways.  We had just left Queen Charlotte Strait.  We got dressed while the ship rolled.  Then about 7:30 Margret went to breakfast.  I went up on deck to hold high thoughts.  M had fresh strawberries, toast, and coffee.  She joined me on deck later.  It was misty, wet, but not very cold.  About 9 we came back again into the shelter of the islands and now I am hungry and have to wait until 12:30 for lunch.  There is a ladder that you can use to climb up into the upper berth but we don't need it and it is sort of in the way.  So I printed a "For Sale Cheap" sign and it is waiting for the steward.

11:15 PM.  In bed again.  Saw a lovely sunset tonight.  Sky seems to be clearing.  Had another grand diner tonight and a long talk with our African friend.  Then M and I went for a deck constitutional.  We walked around the deck several times when M suddenly slipped and we both fell flat.  We laughed til our sides ached.  Went through Kemtu (sp) Channel by Bella Bella and saw some fishing canneries. Too foggy to take pictures but you could see all the lovely tree covered hills on both sides very close to the boat with little and big water falls cascading down.  Tomorrow at 7 we dock at Ketchikan so M and I have to be up early.  We only stay until 9.  So now to sleep.

Image result for Ketchikan alaska 1939
Ketchikan early 1940's
June 19.  Got up about 6:30 and went ashore at 7.  Sky was very overcast but it did not rain.  M and I spend about two hours walking around.  Went up to the government school for the Indians.  Bought a totem pole then went around through Totem Pole Park.  Saw the large totems -  very weird things.  Took a few pictures then came back by the creek to town to a curio store where I got an Eskimo doll and a free souvenir dog and sled at Billingsleys.  Back to the ship again at 9 and had some breakfast.  Scenery is still very lovely - getting more mountains and snowy all the time.  Saw some porpoises following the ship and later in
Image result for Totem Pole Park Ketchikan alaska 1939
Totem pole
in the evening some little ice bergs.  One broke and went splashing into the water.  No time to go to bed now.  At 11 o'clock at night  it is still quite daylight.  Took some pictures at 9 at night.  Had an adventure show in the observation room at 9.  Some of it was good.  Played bingo too and M won $1.50.  Not me though.  Had to set back our clocks an hour too.  About 5:30 we stopped at Petersburg.  That is our dinner time so M went to dinner but I took a walk through town.  It was raining but I thought it was fun.  This is a friendly feeling port.  Saw the funny little raft houses that people live on in the ocean.  Also saw them unload a poor cow from the ship.  Swung her out over the side of the ship to the dock.  I went into dinner late so just had salad, milk, and dessert.  Got into Juneau about 12 at night and stayed until 4 in the morning.  M and I slept but up about 6:30 to find we were still in Juneau at the mining dock.

June 30, Tuesday.  Got up about 7 went up on deck.  We were at the mining dock at Juneau.  Saw the gold mine.  They were unloading all kinds of pipe and sheet metal from our boat.  Met a woman there who said she would take us around when we came back.  Went down to breakfast late, had an omelet.  Stayed up on deck all morning taking some pictures of   the snow covered mountains.  Passed the Mendenholl Glacier. Just after lunch we saw two rather large ice bergs.  Passed close to them.  They were covered with sea gulls eating ice worms.  Got some pictures. Played cards and slept most of the afternoon since it got cold again.  After dinner we went on deck.  A steward took us up to the Capitan's bridge.  We met the Capitan and he showed us the instruments.  Took some pictures of the sun set and saw Mt. Elias.  Capitan said we would see Columbia Glacier tomorrow.  Said winter was lasting long this year.  Went back on deck for a while then to bed about 11.  Meant to get up to see the fort of Yakutat but slept through it.  We have been in the gulf since this afternoon about 3 o'clock.  So far M and I have good sea legs.  Saw a whale this morning.

To be continued . . .

Just writin' on the River Road