Monday, August 5, 2019

A little romance on the frontier?

Saturday, July 15  Got up about 11, went shopping, got some pictures.  Then took a walk over Skagway Bridge to Pirate Cove and then out to a point.  On our way we met a young man, Joe, and he came along.  He was very nice and made the walk most entertaining.  I like him.  He had blue eyes, light hair and a mustache - tall and athletic.  He helped check in the freight when the boat docked.  He liked walking and hiking.  Got home about 4:30.  Went to see the Yukon come in and the Prince George go out.  Came back and M treated me to a big dinner at the hotel.  Then took a walk to the boat with Didi.  Met Johnny down there and talked in the observation room while they came home.  We had banana ice cream cones.  Talked in the lobby a while then went to bed.

Sunday, July 16  Got up about 9. dressed and packed, checked out about 10.  Fooled around the hotel lobby.  Couldn't go on a hike because it was raining.  Ate at a café then played the piano for a while in the lobby.  Then about 3:30 got a taxi to take over our bags.  Went on board the ship.  I was sleepy so went to our room to sleep.  M stayed on deck and got our table settings, table K.  Seems nice.  Three teachers who are jolly, a doctor and his wife (doctor is very dark and handsome and as all doctors, easy conversationalist), so we are well off.  After dinner watched the boat leave the dock about 7.  Stayed on deck to enjoy the scenery and played deck tennis.  Stayed on deck until about 10:30 then went and had a midnight lunch.  I am in the habit now from the river boats.  Then went up to the observation room, danced some and talked.  The doctor joined M and I about 11:30 and we chatted until 12 when things were over.  M and I went on deck again.  Beautiful, the sharp, rugged mountains silhouetted against the clouded sky with now and then stars peeking through - was lovely.  We could hear the swish of the water churned by the propellers of the ship.  Now to bed at 12:30.  We get to Juneau at 7 this morning.

Image result for 1939 Alaska cannery
Fish cannery
Monday, July 17  Got up about 6:30.  Walked around Juneau.  Came back and had breakfast at 9.  Played shuffle board and sat on deck til noon.  After lunch we got to Hawkins Inlet.  I went ashore - M didn't.  Wild berries grow in abundance - blueberries and loganberries, the last not ripe yet.  Mr. Shedd took me through a cannery.  It wasn't running but you could see all the machinery.  Next we stopped Hula, another cannery where we again loaded canned salmon.  This was about 7, after dinner.  Played shuffle board until about 10, then went to the midnight lunch.  To bed about 11.  Had a fire drill this morning.  the fire hose got away from its keeper and M and I got a shower bath.  Bet I'm lame tomorrow from shuffle board.  Played three games against two college boys and M and I beat each time.

Just Writin' on the River Road

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