Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why Volunteer?

Do you ever wonder why some people volunteer for everything? And others are not much interested in working for nothing. Maybe it is because you have not yet found your niche. We are all gifted in some manner, we all have likes and dislikes, or things that we are passionate about.

Image result for free volunteer signs
For those of you outside of my local area, this plea will probably not pertain to you.  After being in the "volunteer"business for nearly ten years running a non-profit, we are seriously considering closing the doors of our ministry.  Three people can only be stretched so thin and something as to give.  So I want to tell you what you have to win, or lose, if no one steps up to the plate and helps Twelve Baskets continue on.

We, at Twelve Basket’s Cooperative Ministry, are always seeking for volunteers. If you think volunteering is simply being there on the weekend, sorting through donations and greeting customers, you would be right . . . and wrong. There are so many additional needs that you may have never considered. We need “fix it” people to check out mechanical and electronic goods, organizers who want to help with special events such as the Coat Give-Away, the Harvest Festival, the Community Yard Sale, or float builders for the 4th of July and Christmas parades. We need media people to advertise special events and make posts on Facebook or put up fliers. Those people who are computer savvy could help with so many things. Or perhaps you feel led to participate as a board member. How about being a financial counselor?   Do you have skills you can share with others?  Many of these things only require a few hours here and there, but all of you are necessary to make things run smoothly.  And yes, it does require a commitment just like a "real" job!

So why volunteer? There are so many reasons! While you will not get paid monetarily, you will gain ever so much from the experience. Young people, volunteer work looks great on your resume. It tells future employers that you care about more than wages, you care about your community, a cause, and people. It shows you are not afraid of hard work. You will gain abilities that will be helpful as you step out into the world. Honing your people skills will take you a long way in life.

Those of you who are retired, you too will gain from helping out. First there is the satisfaction of doing a job, serving your community or aiding someone who has a need. Secondly you will find a whole new set of friends and acquaintances that will enhance your world. And yes, you will learn new skills. Going against the old adage, you “can teach an old dog new tricks”. In fact, as we age, we need to be challenged to learn new things. It keeps us vital.

Some of the many perks of working at Twelve Baskets is the sense of family and community. The work can be hard at times, but there is a venue within the organization that will uniquely fit you and your abilities. Some of you like to be cashiers and greet the public, some like to organize and redecorate, others enjoy doing yard work or the many odds and ends at need to be done each week. Some of you can help from home, others are needed at the store on a regular basis.

The bottom line to any volunteer experience is not what you give, but what you get in return. Over the years we have been blessed beyond measure with your support, your friendship, your abilities, and the fact that you care about others and your community. We would love to share that sense of blessing with more of you. We want to get to know you. It makes our lives richer. Not only our lives, but everyone you come in contact with. We would like you to become part of our family.  

Right now we are accepting applications for two or more managers, as well as additional help.  If you don't volunteer to help, this little store that has supported this community for nearly ten years will close its doors by the first of the year.  And if you think we are "just" a thrift store, you would be so wrong.  One hundred percent of our profits from your generous donations go back into this community.  We not only help individual members of our community, we give out scholarships, we offer warm coats to the community for free, we support our local library, museum, art council, prescription fund, Senior Center, food bank, fire department, Disaster Fund and more.  We offer a place for those with special needs to learn some basic skills such as socialization.  We participate in fund raisers for those who have suffered a major loss.  We offer a safe place for those who are at risk.  They receive love, understanding, and help in any number of ways from personal counseling to financial management to reestablishing their lives.  And you will be prayed for, hugged, listened to, and leave knowing that somebody cares.

Yes, we offer wonderful goods that are donated by our generous community but that is just the tip of the iceberg that is visible to you.  We laugh with you, we cry with you, we support you and care about every little thing in your life that causes you joy or pain.  Do you really want to see us fall by the wayside?  Especially since it would only take a small sacrifice on your part to keep this ministry up and running.

We ask that you consider joining our team.  You will be blessed.  I can promise you that!

Just Writin' on the River Road

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